Kurima Mari Poultry allows all poultry value chain actors to register and interact on the app. The daily guide assists farmers in improving productivity as in-depth explanations are provided for every stage of the value chain, including what to do and how to avoid losses. An online/offline feature allows farmers to use the information on the app even when connectivity is poor or unavailable. Document libraries store valuable information on poultry best practise, while an online tracker (Internet-required) guides farmers in real-time to assist with all aspects of poultry rearing.The Market feature allows registered users within the poultry value chain to advertise their poultry products and allow interactions.KMPA is for poultry farmers, extension workers and all actors in the poultry value chain. It provides poultry production information to guide farmers in their poultry enterprise while providing an ecosystem for all players in the poultry sector to benefit from each other’s particularly in the marketing of poultry products.The app has been developed by WHH, COSPE,SAT, LMAC, CNFA Europe in conjunction with the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Rural resettlement working together in the IPVC Project which is under the ZAGP funded by the European Union. IPVC is working to improve profitability in the Poultry value Chain in Zimbabwe and is in five clusters namely, Harare, Mutare, Masvingo, Gweru and Bulawayo.